Samyang Stew Buldak Bokkeummyeon (Hot Chicken Stew Flavour)

Country of Origin: South Korea


Dundun…..dundun……….dundundundundundun *violin screech*

‘Sometimes that noodle, he looks right into ya, right into your eyes. Y’know, the thing about a spicy noodle, he’s got lifeless sauce, black sauce, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he softens up, and that noodle cake rolls over, and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the broth turns red, and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, the heat all comes in and rips ya to pieces…’

Nice flat style noodle block

Although this sauce isn’t as hot as the Habanero broth, it absolutely still packs a punch. There was a sweaty struggle to continue with this one, balanced only by that delicious chicken taste that keeps you going. The noodles themselves are glorious and thick, there isn’t actually a large amount of them, but this does allow the noodles to cook using the soak method, and saves more room for the broth. The chicken seasoning has seaweed mixed in, lifting the dish beyond mere packet noodles to the taste level we have come to expect from Samyang.

Upon opening the sauce packet you’re immediately filled with trepidation – a spicy aroma punches into your nostrils, mixed with the fish sauce tang. We’re gonna need a bigger stomach.

The broth just looks like blood, it looks like you’re eating a bowl of blood, while eating it you’re afraid you will end up pooping blood. Blood. Your eyes will sweat, your head will sweat, but thankfully the afterburn is minimal for a broth of this strength, due to the lack of an oil component.

Seems to have some chicken stock in with the garnish
Tell my family and friends I love them

Heat Level
Taste Level

The Aftermath

I somehow seemed to avoid the fiery poop-death that my comrades have experienced – I did need to rush my after work poop more than usual, and the broth seemed to have the effect of completely clearing my bowels – there was a lot of poop.

However, for me at least, there was almost nonexistent sting, and aftershocks were kept to a minimum.

Hesitating to give this a rating considering I seemed to be an outlier on this, but I have only the one experience to draw from with this dish.

2 flames, but beware traveller, YMMV.

The wait was over; I was super excited I found these on my trip to Indo and I was even more excited to try them! I couldn’t find these anywhere here in Australia (and boy had I looked!) so I ended up bringing about 10 packs back with me. Turns out the universe hates me; when I returned from my trip I found these babies stocked in almost every single asian grocer! Wonderful.

These noods pack that wonderfully sweet chicken taste that the other Buldak’s are known for; this time in a ghastly-looking, fiery broth. Not as torturing as the Habanero on heat levels, but still a painful exercise resulting in much sweat, much mucus, and much heavy breathing. The noodles seemed like they were designed to deliver maximum pain; they seem to hold more broth inside the folds as you eat. Touche Samyang, Touche.

So around 6pm I was getting stomach pains; I hadn’t left work yet so I was able to easily find a cubicle to seat my misery. Was there about 15 minutes; it wasn’t an easy movement and I had to push. No sting yet. Maybe this was unrelated. I walked out satisfied.

The drive home was hell. The minute I left the building the cramps returned; these were pretty violent. I did my best to hold it back as there aren’t too many stops on the way home; maybe I’ll make it to a petrol station. By the time I got to the first petrol station the pain had subsided; it didn’t feel like anything wanted to leave my body. As I drove away from it the pains returned; god damn it. This continued for the entire 50 minute drive home; constant teasing and constant butt clenching. I made it though. Straight to the bowl and the volcano erupted. Violent, somewhat viscous (definitely vicious) and stingy as hell. But that was it. It was a long, violent, torturous journey that ended quite abruptly. Samyang’s Revenge was over.

9 flames; it was torture. That drive home was the most horrendous, painful, shocking, cry-inducing journey I have ever had. I regretted every part of my being for that entire hour. Only reason it’s not a 10 is because after the evening eruption there was nothing else.

What a violent looking broth. Seriously, if this was a preview of what’s to come, I am very, VERY concerned. I like the add in’s; I believe it was a sachet of chicken stock with seaweed to add in to the broth, the familiar blood red chilli sauce, we’re in for a wild ride.

Consuming this was both a delight and a terror. It wasn’t as hot as the Emart Habanero broth, but still packed a punch. When we talk about flavour, we are talking about the familiar sweet yet spicy sauce from the standard fried noodles but MORE OF IT! Sadly, this just means there is more violence. The thinner (watery) broth means the heat finds it’s way across more taste buds inflicting what I felt less heat, but maximum spread; think of it as a rock salt shell from a shotgun.

These Noods blew me away in the worst possible way. It was violent, painful and I don’t wanna talk about it. I feel violated. Samyang, you were the promised one! you weren’t meant to betray us!

7 flames! No 4th seal for you, Samyang!

Overall Porcelain Punishment Level

Community PP Level


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