Country of Origin: South Korea
Happy Yeultide everyone, this is our christmas special and last ramen for the year! We’re closing out the year with a classic ramen – beef broth and mushroom. Like an old prostitute friend, this dish is welcoming and easy to slip into, with a little fire left to keep you interested.

Still unsure of the actual type of mushroom with this – it seems to be shiitake from the taste, but I can’t read Korean, so no lo sé.
However, this lack of ability on my part does not detract from the taste at all. Delicious hearty, beefy flavours that are perfect for a cold winter’s night, except we’re in the f**king southern hemisphere, and everything is hot as balls and backwards for Christmas. The heat is very peppery rather than spicy, but very delicious. I would have preferred more mushrooms in this broth, I think it lacked a bit of meatyness, but it’s still a top notch ramen.
Heat Level
Taste Level
The Aftermath
Almost nonexistent for me, apart from a brief rush hour about 5 hours after eating. There was no sting, but a bit of gas will play the porcelain organ for you.
2 flames, you’ll need to keep the bathroom clear, so probably not the best choice for xmas dinner with the family.
What a delicious little nood this was; nice, hearty, spicy dish with a flavour deeper than Santa’s sack! Big debates occured over the rating of the heat for these bad boys, we had to bring in a ringer to figure it out. An answer was given but the debate will continue. (Kam – because he didnt even finish the f**king dish! How can you rate it properly without drinking the broth?).
Regret was practically non existent; ominous tummy rumbles but aside from that – just like your parents threats of no presents for christmas – all bark, no bite.
2 flames for the grumbly tum-tum.
We haven’t tried Ottogi before; but they make the very popular Jin ramen (which we have waiting for review) so I’m sure these guys know whats up. Noodle block was great (but not round!) and there was a healthy supply of dehydrated veggies which is always a plus. Flavour was outstanding! A hearty beef broth with garlic tones; I think this is the standard go-to for Korean ramen but it’s a winning formula. Probably one of my favourite beef ramen’s; better than Shin Ramyun in my opinion! Heat was a slow build and finishing up the broth left a stinging-mouth and copious amounts of head-sweat. Not for amateurs, but not the hottest we have had. I think these are a “high” heat but since no-one else agreed with me we are going “medium”. Great meal but be warned these have a bite!!
Well the regret wasn’t too bad with these ones; I did have a bit of gas around 9pm, and a greasy but brief movement at about 9.30pm with no sting. There was about an hour of uneasiness afterwards where my gut was telling me “You are gonna blow at any minute” but it never really materialized. All in all, I’ve had much worse but some may not be able to take the hour of unsureness.
3 flames; it got a bit uneasy for a little while so be aware.
Overall Porcelain Punishment Level