Country of Origin: South Korea
Curry and Ramen: together at last!
This was a fusion dish we were all looking forward to. Those rockstars of instant ramen, Samyang, have offered up an interesting stir-fry nood this time. Mixing their seal of approval winning Hot Chicken Flavour sauce with a fragrant curry, and some dried bits of….. Potato? Lentils? I’m not really sure, but the dish has some great stablemates, so we had high expectations.

And of course, Samyang nailed it again. The same delicious chicken flavour we were expecting, but now with the added complexity of curry fragrances and tastes. Anyone who is a fan of curry or ramen will love this one, the aromas of curry and garlic mix really well with the already tasty chicken. Granted, the spice level is up there – we’re giving this one an extreme rating after some debate, mostly due to the length of the burn. This will stay on your lips for nearly an hour after eating, so don’t down it before a public speaking event, or if you’re planning on kissing anyone.
Heat Level
Taste Level
The Aftermath
Looks like we’ve got another nominee for the seal of approval, I had no issues for the requisite 48hr period following, so feel free to chow down on these babies as much as needed.
Disclaimer: Don’t actually eat babies.
0 flames baby, nom to your hearts content.
Oh Samyang, you treat us well. We love fire noodles, and I’m ecstatic that there is another type for us to try! Curry!
So the block is very similar to the normal fire noodles; in fact its probably the same. The sauce looks red and deadly as usual but comes with a distinct curry scent. How do they taste? Fantastic! These are so good! And they come with what looks like dried potato! Win.
There was quite a bit of argument about where these lie on heat; however, It seems I won out on “extreme”. These are hot! And you would be hard pressed to find many that are hotter than this. From what we have reviewed so far there are only five (3 of which are made by Samyang).
You know what; this did nothing! No stomach churning, no gas, and most importantly no tender sphincter. Happy to recommend these babies! My hole is safe again!
0 flames! Could we have another seal of approval on our hands??
Wow, just wow. Delicious, hot but delicious. Fantastic Job Samyang.
All the favourite tones from your fire noods with a slight curry hit. These guys were damn hot. As Kam mentioned there was a stir as to where these were on the scale, they were hotter than the cheesey fire noods by a large margin but slightly milder than standard fire noods. Reason reigned king and Kam got his wish of stating these are Extreme heat (they probably are, I feel I’m just immune to Chili now). I would GLADLY have these again and again, I think these are my favourite Samyang product to date!
Regret? I don’t think so. I had some after work beers and I remember pooping in the evening but I cannot remember the experience. There didn’t appear to be any sign of a struggle when revisiting the bathroom this morning and everything passed as expected.
0 Flames! Can’t even remember the poop.
Duuuuuuudee… These were amazing! You know you are in for a good time when you witness the blood red sauce trickle through decent sized noods unleashing that fiery scent but this time tickling the nostrils with some curry fragrances also.
These taste amazing. The heat and taste combination is perfect. I will admit at first I classed these as high heat probably because the taste was so good and I just kept digging in, ignoring the combustion in my mouth. The after burn was strong, righteously placing these as Extreme heat. Samyang, I tip my hat to you.
Combining Curry and Ramen – this could go down two ways: either double regret or they would nullify eachother and provide a pleasant experience to the porcelain. Thankfully for me it was the latter; it required to trips however both provided a sense of happiness.
1 flame, some mild pain and two trips
Overall Porcelain Punishment Level
After a few rocky ramens, Samyang is right back on top form with these babies! Go get ’em guys!